
Rehabilitation Program Evaluation: 

Guided by Purpose offers a variety of resources. Rehabilitation program evaluation allows individuals the opportunity to evaluate different options for a rehabilitation program. A program evaluation will help each individual get answers to their questions and information on the rehabilitation process.  

Rehabilitation Program Syllabi Evaluation:

Guided by Purpose offers a variety of resources. The rehabilitation program syllabi evaluation allows individuals the unique opportunity to go over and evaluate the syllabi for their rehabilitation program. This can help the individual guide their rehabilitation process and set goals tailored to the individuals.  

Conflict Resolution:

Conflict resolution is the process of ending a dispute and reaching an agreement that satisfies all parties involved. Since conflict is an essential part of being human, effective conflict resolution is not designed to avoid disagreements. Guided by purpose offers skills to help handle and learn successful tools for conflict resolution. 


Mediation is a type of intervention that can aid in resolving a dispute. By using arbitration through the mediation process this can help both parties come to an agreed upon outcome. Mediation can help you to resolve conflict and learn conflict resolving skills.   

Intervention Presentations:

Guided by Purpose has resources for intervention presentations. Guided by Purpose has resources to provide information and assistance on different intervention and advocacy options.  

Seminars on the Effects of Long-Term Incarceration:

In the United States long-term incarceration is an issue. Many individuals serve lengthy sentences suffering from the effects and problems of long term incarceration. Guided by Purpose is proud to offer seminars providing information on long-term incarceration effects. These seminars will allow the issue of long-term incarceration to be discussed, opening up a dialogue on the issue. Individuals will also have the option to ask questions on the topic. 


Guided by Purpose is proud to offer presentation on a variety of topics relating to incarceration and re-entry. More details to come!

Seminars on Higher Education in Prison Program Development:

Guided by Purpose is proud to offer seminars on higher education in the prison program development. Information will be provided on the structure and how higher education works in the prison program development. During these seminars individuals will have the option to ask questions on the topic, which will open up a dialogue. 

Facilitators Prison Consultations:

Guided by Purpose is proud to offer the resource of facilitating prison consultations. More information to come! 

Reentry Planning and Services:

After serving your sentence the effects of long-term incarceration can seem overwhelming. Upon release an individual needs to find housing and employment and this can be a challenging task. A variety of other tasks need to be completed for successful reintegration into society. Guided by Purpose is proud to offer assistance in re-entry planning, services, and support. Guided by Purpose utilizes the unique peer to peer support model where you work with individuals who have re-entered society and can understand and provide guidance through this time period.  

Family & Friend Support Groups:

Guided by Purpose is proud to offer family and friend support groups. These support groups provide unique support to family and friends of currently incarcerated individuals. Support groups will additionally provide support and guidance to family and friends of individuals during their re-entry process.