
We need all the help we can get. Full stop. The first and most important thing people can do is get informed about the issues, politics, and realities of mass incarceration. Such as, currently, there are over 2 million people locked in cages in the United States. Comparatively, more black men are in prison or on some form of correctional supervision today than were enslaved in 1860. As a direct result, 1.7 million children have at least one parent in a correctional facility. Moreover, over 13 million people enter and exit a correctional facility every year. These 13 million people are our mothers, our fathers, our brothers, our sisters, and our neighbors and community members. Beneath these statistics lie the traumatic reality of living in the carceral state. While it is true that approximately 600,000 people are released from prison yearly, it is often forgotten how difficult it will be for many of them to reenter their communities successfully. Many of them will face the same problems---addiction, poverty, etc.--- that lead up to their incarceration. Speaking from experience, locking people in cages doesn't address their underlying issues of their incarceration. Never has. Never will. But, together we can. 

Working with us in the following ways can make all the difference in the direction we take in our approach to mass incarceration: 

1. Get informed. Nearly half of all adults in this country has an immediate family member in a correctional facility. Nearly half. This is an epidemic. The only way to build any form of resistance is through arming ourselves with the correct information. 

2. Identify how you can help. Only you know your capabilities. Our movement is in its infancy and is learning to crawl with the ambition to one day walk and daring to dream of running in the near future. The question is can.

3. Reach out! Simply, contact us. If you can help our clients find adequate housing please contact us, If you can help our clients find employment opportunities or job training or willing to offer workshops on computer and/or financial literacy, please contact us or if you are looking to partner with an organization that understands the science of resolving the conflicts in the streets that are killing so many, please contact us. 

4. Donations. You can also help by making a donation through our cash app 5. Volunteer. If you would like to volunteer your time, pleas email us and follow the directions given in our response. 

Guided by purpose will like to extend their deepest appreciation for your support in advance. Your gift and support helps us continue to provide free legal services to meet survival needs and build community power with people and families who are affected by the judicial system, low-income or poverty, people of color, immigrants and so much more.